The VBMS program is a 30-credit-hour, in-person program. It is accomplished in 2 semesters.
Sample course schedules are provided below. Please note, course offerings are subject to change. Students and interested applicants are advised to review the Graduate Program Catalog for a full list of core requirements, electives, and program policies. It is the student's responsibility to ensure all requirements for graduation are met.
Master-level courses in the VBMS program (LSCI, BCHM, etc.) will follow the LMU Main Campus Academic Calendar.
Professional-level courses in the VBMS program (VANT) will follow the DVM Program Academic Calendar.
It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with both calendars and adhere to any start/end dates, as well as any breaks or holidays.​​​​​​​
Guaranteed Interview at LMU-CVM
Students who maintain a cumulative 3.0+ graduate GPA over at least 15 credits in the VBMS program, complete their Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS) application, and apply to LMU-CVM will be granted an interview with the LMU-CVM. This is not a guarantee of admission.
Academic Performance in Professional Courses
If a grade of "B" or better is earned in LMU-CVM courses, student who are accepted into LMU-CVM will not have to repeat the classes during their first year at LMU-CVM. This will allow students who are accepted into te LMU-CVM to enter with up to 10 earned credits. During their first year in the CVM, they may apply to be considered as Veterinary Teaching Assistants and Tutors.
Thesis-Track Option
Students who wish complete a thesis must declare their intent to do so before the end of their first semester of coursework.
Graduate Program Catalog
For more information about the curriculum and specific program policies, please see the Graduate Program Catalog.*
*It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with curriculum, graduation requirements, and program policies as listed in the Catalog.
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